How to Manage Bed Wetting in Children
Tue, Apr 14, 20
One in five Australian children over the age of five regularly wet the bed.
"Day-time control of the bladder comes before night-time dryness, and most children will be dry throughout the day by the age of three. Night-time dryness comes next, usually by school age. However, the most important thing for parents to remember, is that children develop at different rates. Some children may experience accidents from time to time up until the age of 7 or 8"
Causes of bed wetting in teenagers
- Not feeling the need to wake up and go to the bathroom, or have the ability to wake up fully.
- The bladder is only able to hold a small amount of urine
- Overnight the kidney's make a large amount of urine
Managing bed wetting in teenagers
Bed wetting can be disruptive to both the child and parents sleep and results in an increased laundry load to deal with.
There are a number of products on the market that can be used that make things that little bit easier. We recommend our Protect-A-Bed®Mattress and Linen Protectors. Not only protecting your child's mattress from stains they provide a protective barrier against dust mite, mould and bacteria allergens, ensuring a healthier nights sleep.
You may also like to consider the use of a bed-wetting alarm, which teaches your child to wake at the feeling of a full bladder, by waking them whenever they wet the bed.
Always keep in mind that for the child bed wetting can be stressful and upsetting:
- Be patient and ask your child how they feel. Their maybe a trigger you are unaware of such as a fear triggering the problem.
- Never punish or shame a child for wetting the bed
- Talk to them about how they and you can deal with the problem
Children develop at different rates. Some children may experience accidents up until the age of 7 or 8.
Should I seek help for bed wetting?
Bed wetting is a normal part of childhood and most children will stop wetting the bed in their own time.
If the child is over the age of 7, he or she may not get better by themselves and we would recommend you should seek advice from your doctor or a continence nurse. You should also seek advice if you are concerned for any reason, such as:
- The child becoming upset
- Bed wetting occurrences increase after beginning school or a change in routine
- They begin wetting the bed after a period of been dry through the night
In some cases a doctor may subscribe drugs which reduce the amount of urine produced overnight.
Useful resources
- Bedwetting Brochure - Provided by the Department of Health
- The Dry Night - Provided by the Department of Health
- Toilet Tactics Kit - An initiative of the Continence Foundation, the aim to help encourage healthy toilet habits in primary school children.