National Subsidy Schemes for Incontinence
Tue, Apr 14, 20
If you or someone you know has incontinence, the right products can help make everyday life that little bit easier. To help with the cost of these products the following National Schemes are available.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is designed to provide greater flexibility and choice to the individual in accessing the support they need to achieve their personal goals
It also supports them in helping build skills and capabilities so they can participate in the community on many different levels.
Expected to provide about 460,000 Australians, under the age of 65, with a permanent or significant disability, with funded access to services and supports.
The NDIS is administered by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)
If you are eligible for the NDIS, the NDIA will meet with you and together you can develop a NDIS plan. This will identify what supports you need and allocate funds to enable you to reach your individual goals.
You can take family and/or your carer to these meetings if you wish.
Carers are also able to speak with the NDIA directly about the care they provide and the individual requirements the person they care for needs.
The next step is to discuss how to put the plan into action. This will be achieved by meeting with a NDIA representative such as a Local Area Coordinator (LAC). Your individual plan will be reviewed annually, unless otherwise required, to meet any additional needs or changes in your circumstances.
Initially trialed in a number of sites around Australia from July 2013, the NDIS has, since July 2016 been introduced in stages around Australia over a three year period.
To find out if you are eligible and if or when it is available in your area visit the NDIS:,or contact them on 1800 800 110
The Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS) is an Australian Government Scheme, that provides financial assistance towards the cost of continence products.
If you have permanent and severe incontinence and you are an Australian citizen to find out if you are eligible contact:
- Medicare on 13 20 11 or CAPS Team 1800 239 309
- National Continence Organisation 1300 33 00 66

The Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) provides a range of continence products to veterans or war widows or widowers through the Rehabilitation Appliances Program (RAP).
They may be entitled if:- They hold a Gold Card (eligible for treatment of all conditions whether or not they are related to war services)
- They hold a White Card and the incontinence is a result of a specific accepted disability (to determine eligibility contact the Rehabilitation Appliances Program at DVA)
- They have been assessed by a health professional as requiring products for incontinence, or
- The products are provided as part of the overall health care management.
To find out more contact the Department of Veterans' Affairs Phone: 1300 131 945
To find out what financial assistance might be available to you
contact our registered nurse on 1300 857 123