Helping Manage Incontinence in the Elderly
Tue, Apr 14, 20
Incontinence becomes more common as people age. It may be caused by a medical problem and is often made worse by the effects of dementia.
There are ways in which you can provide comfort and dignity among yourself &/or those suffering from incontinence around you.
The memory loss and confusion caused by Dementia can cause bladder and bowel control problems."Around 77% of nursing home residents in Australia
are affected by incontinence" - -
Dementia Australia suggests the following ways to reduce the risk of incontinence in those you are caring for:
- Consider reducing the person's caffeine intake by using decaffeinated coffee and tea
- Observe the person's toileting patters and cues and suggest they use the toilet at regular times that follow their patter
- Simply clothing such as using Velcro tape instead of buttons & elastic waistbands
- Protective garments may be useful
For further information on ways in managing incontinence in the elderly, refer to the help sheep by Dementia Australia: Continence -Caring for someone with Dementia.
Bladder and Bowel, a government resource to assist with the prevention and management of bladder and bowel problems recommends:- Listen with care and respond to the person.
- Get rid of clutter.
- Keep the space around them simple and well known to them.
- Show respect and sincere care.
- Check bladder and bowel control
- Seek help from their doctor, physiotherapist, or a continence nurse.